Monday, December 14, 2009

my niche

With the experience and the many opportunities I have been given this semester I have discovered my niche. I wrote for sports, features, cultures, and news section this semester. The section that has stood at the most is sports. Perhaps it could be because I was once an athlete and have a love for almost any game. From previous experience I understand how much dedication, sacrifice, and hard work must go into a sport in order to be successful. Therefore, I have decided to focus my blog in the field of sports.

There are innumerous amounts of sports but the ones I would like to concentrate on are: volleyball, football, basketball, and baseball. Last summer I was given the opportunity to work as a media intern with a minor league baseball team affiliated with the Dodgers. It opened my eyes to see how much I truly enjoyed working in the field of sports. After every home game me and another intern would crank out a press release. It was a challenge at first, not only learning how to write a press release but also working under pressure. As difficult as it was I enjoyed it nonetheless.

In researching other sports blogs I have come to find that people I searched have written their own opinion of the topic they were covering. It was not really unbiased writing which was encouraging to know that I my writing does not always have to be unbiased.

I look forward to narrowing my blog on a certain topic rather than it being part personal life and part school related. Though I will miss blogging about everyday life, this will be a great chance for me to gain experience in writing in a more professional manner. It will also be beneficial to any readers who specifically were not able to catch the game or would like information on the latest sports talk. So enough with the past nonsense and on to real life in the journalism work force!

**written for JRN 215

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

LOVE God & LOVE others.

Wow, my heart is just consumed right now with God’s love. Tonight, was the first time in awhile that I attended Generate because of confliction with work. The service began with worship. Generate’s worship service is unlike any other worship I have ever experienced. You can just seeGod’s love throughout the stadium of people who are just on fire for God. It is such a mind-blowing scene. Young people with their arms stretched out in adoration of God, praising Him with all their might. It seriously is one of the best feelings ever! Tonight’s message was about addictions and defining the line between what God thinks is “over the line.” Pastor Tony related it to drugs, drinking, clubbing. The main points that came from the message include:

• The love of God is as powerful as a striking wave.
o Tony used the analogy of person first learning how to surf. They get constantly knocked down by the wave each time they get up.
• Stop focusing on what you can’t and shouldn’t do..Focus on what you CAN do.
• Clanging Cymbal= annoying.
• FOCUS on point of motivation.
• Change always happens whenever you converse with God. WE are too scared to become serious with the conversation because we do not what to give God our complete trust.
• It’s not what you’ve done. It’s about who God wants you to be.

Pastor Tony left us with the following questions:

1.) What’s your motivation?
2.) Does this glorify you, God?
3.) Do you love God enough that the things that break God’s heart, breaks yours?
During the service I experienced a kind of love that I have only received from one person, and that is God himself. It was a unique type of love. A type of love in which God doesn’t need your love in return. A love that is far better than human love. I was again reminded that I don’t need anyone else’s love except for God. I don’t need anyone else’s approval to feel confident of who I am. That type of love, is so extraordinary. A love that I would choose over human love. I was so inspired by the message that I came back to my computer and started typing away.

God is amazing. God is just. God is love.

Final thing to leave you with, Love God and love others.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Columbia University-Report On Journalism

Journalism has played a significant role in society since Gutenberg invented the first printing press. This is true because many people rely on the news to give them information of what is occurring in the world. They depend on writers to give strictly factual information that is not fabricated. For many years, newspapers has been the most popular way of relaying the news to the people. People often got a jump start to their day with a coffee in one hand and a newspaper in their other hand. But due to the rapid growth of technology newspapers are being used less and less. This is true because it there are less reporters writing, “Fewer journalists are reporting less news in fewer pages” (Downie and Schudson). Newspapers however are not the only channel of news that is losing its audience. The number of television news viewers has dropped as well. Though these two popular means of news will not be extinct just yet, it will quickly begin to be lost in the sea of news transformation, “Newspapers and television news are not going to vanish in the foreseeable future…but they will play diminished roles in an emerging and still rapidly changing world of digital journalism”(Downie and Schudson).
The transformation of news has raised many questions of concern of whether or not the new form of news will be able to be as affective to its audience as it is now. The most popular solution right now is the internet. This is true because it is faster to put information on the web as opposed to printing it and relaying the news to its audience the next day. It is also easier to access, free, and less money to advertise. However, with this said internet news organizations can not expand without the help of already established news organizations, “credible independent news reporting cannot flourish without news organizations of various kinds, including the print and digital reporting operations of surviving newspapers” (Downie and Shudson).
Regardless of the way news will be transformed it is important that news industries keeps its people informed in a respectful and organized manner, “this is an essential purpose for reporting, along with interpretation, analysis and informed opinion, and advocacy” (Downie and Shudson). Reporters have a significant amount of responsibility with the consideration that they inform the people of what they do not know. It is a job that may seem quite simple but, if not done in an ethical manner can result to dramatic consequences, “reporting is not something to be taken for granted” (Downie and Shudson).
Because of the decline of newspapers, many companies have had to let go of a significant amount of their writers. For example, The Los Angeles Times’ decreased to 600 writers with an original number of 1,100. Due to the dramatic fall of journalists many newspaper circulations have collaborated together to form one newspaper. “Ohio’s eight largest newspapers…have formed the Ohio News Organization” (Downie and Shudson). This is occurring throughout the country In order to preserve print news and their news organization.
The transformation of news will effect not only the news’ companies but also the people. Perhaps it may benefit the people more so than the news organizations because of the faster, cheaper and easily accessible benefits. Despite, what may replace news print and television news the preservation of ethical reporting will still remain the same.

**written for JRN 215

Friday, October 16, 2009

favorite bible verse

"...Because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."- James 1:3-4

One of my favorite verses is James 1:3-4. Though it was assigned to choose only one verse I could not help but include verse four as well with verse three. These verses are very powerful. I chose to write about this verse because I feel like this time in our life is such a beautiful yet scary time. I mean this in the sense that we are learning about who we truly are. To make it a little more complex, some of us no longer have the financial support of our parents. We are all trying to figure out our lives as a grownup now. Which is slightly ironic because, personally when I was younger I could not wait until I was an adult. But now that I have hit that point in my life I wish that I could just go back to being a kid at times.

This verse serves as a great support system when I am going through trials in my life. I often remind myself that God is always by my side and that everything he puts me through is for my benefit. A motto that I like to live by is, “What does not kill, only makes you stronger. “ This verse reflects that type of attitude. God lets us endure the trials that we go through so that we may be mature enough to handle future situations.

This verse has impacted my life in so many ways, whether it was family or relationship issues. Though the pain was not the best experience in the world this verse encouraged me to stay strong and continue to trust in God. My pastor once told the congregation that what may seem like chaos in this world is something that is perfectly orchestrated in God’s eyes. I thought that was such a beautiful analogy. We often forget that God is in control and already has our lives planned out. We get so worked up about what we are going through; and either forget or choose to ignore God’s love and mercy.

This verse can be helpful to anyone regardless of what there are going through. This verse is a reminder of God’s love. He only wants the best for us. God does not put trials in our lives to punish us but, to make us stronger advocates for Him.

**written for JRN 371

Sunday, October 4, 2009

my passion

Each person has a passion, whether it is a sport or the desire to stay in shape. Regardless of what motivates a person, the effort and time spent to achieve their goal is similar.
For me, my passion is life. I know it may sound unrealistic to some but I really do love living life. I live for the small things in life. I live for the ability to hear the crashing of waves, taste the sea of salt water on my lips, seeing the smiles of my loved ones, hearing the sound of a child’s laughter, helping senior citizens with groceries and the list goes on. God has blessed me with more than enough. Sometimes I forget how blessed I really am. Though, I may not be the wealthiest I have so many other things to be grateful for. The fact that I am healthy and have all my senses is more than enough to have a positive outlook on life.
This is just a couple of examples of God’s beauty. My passion of life is founded on God’s love. I am constantly amazed of how God work in mysterious ways. I have realized that God blesses us with every person that pays a visit in our lives. The amount of time they spend is unpredictable. However, God never fails to make us stronger and wiser human beings, doing everything for his glory.
I honestly can say that God is the reason of why I am so passionate about life. It amazes me how he sent his one and only Son, Jesus Christ, to die for the sins of all people. I cannot help but wonder God’s thought process of why he would do such an inexpressible act of love for all who fall short of his worth.
God’s love has made it possible for me to overcome the various obstacles in life. His love ties back to my passion in life through my desire of living my life to the best of my ability. I constantly fall short of perfection but I strive daily to glorify him in all that I think, say and do.
During a bible study last year, my group leader pointed out a good point of how he strives to honor God with his words and actions. He said, “I consider my words and actions a constant prayer to God. This mindset keeps me from cussing and speaking unkind words.” My bible study leader’s mindset has inspired me to do the same.
I have come to the understanding that life is too short to spend on insignificant and worthless things such as, what people may think of your morals and beliefs. With this said, it is important to live life with all I have been blessed, living each day like it is my last. I know it is a cliché statement but honestly believe our world would be very different. I realize it can go both ways, good or bad. However, I do my best to stay optimistic about situations by leaning on God as my Fortress.
**written for JRN 215

Saturday, October 3, 2009

a hard-boiled egg

Yesterday afternoon was a sad day for me and my baby egg also known as my white previa mini van. Its actually not a baby in any way considering my family got it in 1998! hah. Anyways, it all began while I was driving to Disneyland this afternoon. My engine was sounding funny earlier in the morning when I started it but I didn't think anything of it. Well as I was driving down the 91 West my engine started to make a weird sound again. Thankfully my boyfriend, Brett, was driving right behind me. He called to tell me that water was spurting on his windshield. This was the first red flag that there was something wrong with my car. It wasn't until I saw that my thermometer, that predicts if your car is overheating, was all the way at the "H." I freaked out and called my cousin who's well-educated in mechanics and asked him what was wrong. He told me that my car is over-heated and that I should not drive after arriving to my destination. Well, unfortunately I did not make it to my destination. The next thing I knew my car began to go at a slower pace. I managed to make it to the shoulder of the road just before it completely died. I literally thought that my egg would burst because it was smoking on the inside and outside. To summarize what happened after Brett called AAA to have my car towed to one of his dad's offices, the East Anaheim Police Station. So as of right now my little egg is chilling in the parking lot waiting to be towed back home. Hopefully, it's in too bad of condition to repair so that I can get a new car!!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Me, myself, and I

"From now on you'll be traveling the road between who you think you are and who you can be. The key is to allow yourself to make that journey."
-Princess Diaries

There are so many things in life that interest me. And, too many things I would like to do in this chaotic world. Perhaps this may be due to the fact that I am easily interested with almost anything that passes me by.
Ever since I was a little girl I have always had big dreams and aspirations, whether it was traveling the world with all my family and friends in an RV or, becoming an actress. Though many years have passed since my childhood days my ambitions have not fallen short of what many people believe to be “too big.”
At the age of nineteen, I am attending college in hopes of becoming a sports broadcaster. Before graduating it is my goal to study abroad for at least one semester. I have always enjoyed studying about other cultures. It is just fascinating to me that God created so many different ethnicities, languages, and cultures. I specifically would love to indulge in the Hispanic lifestyle. I have fallen in love with the romantic language from taking four years of Spanish class in high school.
Upon graduating with a bachelor’s degree I am considering attending a school in Arizona that specializes in broadcasting. From there I would love to attend cosmetology school. Even though I do not wear a lot of makeup the whole scene interests me, especially doing hair. After cosmetology school I would like to enroll for some culinary classes. Someday I want to have a big family and be able to cook healthy meals as opposed to dining out. Somewhere in all that schooling I would really like to go on a missions trip, join Big Brother Big Sister program, write a book, and do sports modeling.
God willing I will still have enough energy to start the big family that I have always dreamed of. With that includes being married to the man of my dreams and living in a home with a farm of animals. I want several chickens, pigs, goats, horses, baby elephants, camels and of course my little teacup yorkie. As for children, I would like a maximum of six and a minimum of two! However, we will see what God has planned for me. If, for some reason or another none of my plans occur they way I wished for I will be more than content if I make a positive impact in peoples’ lives.

**written for JRN 371

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

summer of '09

This summer was filled with many events that equaled up to one memorable summer. This summer I was given the opportunity to intern with the San Bernardino 66ers, a minor league baseball team, affiliated with the Los Angeles Dodgers. It was such a great experience being a media intern. Through this internship I gained more knowledge in broadcasting, the different styles of writing and several life lessons. My first day consisted of learning how to work the copier and the scanner, typing out both teams starting lineups, writing the lineups on the stadium score board, answering phone calls, keeping a pitch count during the game, and finally, writing the game recap. The last two tasks were the most important because they informed the public of what happened during the game. After each inning, I would inform our radio announcer, Mike Saeger, how many balls and strikes the pitcher threw. He would then announce the information over the radio. Therefore, consistency was essential. The most challenging task was writing the post game summary. This was true for two reasons: the stories had to be done in APA format, and the summary had to be concise. It took awhile to adapt my writing in APA. Previously, all my recaps had to be written in MLA format. After seven and a half hours, I successfully survived my first day as an intern. I felt quite an accomplishment and I was proud of myself for doing my job. As the days continued on I became more comfortable and confident in my work. I learned to perform different tasks as the season progressed. One of my other jobs was creating stat packs. Assembling these stat packs required going on both teams website pages and getting each players personal stats. These stat packs were also distributed to all the stadium suites. Answering phone calls required giving directions to the stadium, transferring calls, and taking down messages for fellow employees who were not available.

After my third game, I was permitted to explain the plays to the official Minor League Baseball organization. This became easier as my baseball league knowledge increased.

Having watched the other intern, Kevin, perform this feat, I was convinced it was easy. However, this was not exactly true. Reporting to Minor League Baseball is a two-part assignment. Not only did I have to make sure I kept track of all the plays correctly but I also had to report it to Minor League Baseball in a specific manner. It was a slow learning process but I mastered it within a few weeks. As for writing the recap it became easier with the help of Kevin. We often tag-teamed the recap giving each other our best input. After writing the summary we would wait until Matt, our supervisor, would be done helping Mike broadcast so that he could proof read it for us. Once it was revised, we would scan it and send it out to all the other employees and then fax it to the local radio stations.

Working at the 66ers baseball stadium has helped me understand the field of Journalism at a more in-depth level. I was able to see first hand how much time is necessary to prepare for live broadcasting. It is more than just reading stats and calling out play-by-play on air. Being a journalist requires the ability to have appropriate filler information, which includes funny stories about the players involved, during the at-bats, pitching change, etc. Speaking clearly is essential in the occupation. The thing that has helped me the most in regards to Journalism is learning to write in APA press format. Though it was confusing in the beginning, I managed to switch over from MLA fairly quickly. The biggest thing that was instilled in me was that APA press is supposed to be written in past tense. Thanks to the help of my fellow interns I now have a better understanding of the format.

Through this internship I have also learned several life lessons. I realized that communication is crucial especially when working in these types of professional settings. I also learned that sometimes it is not what you know but who you know. During the game series when Manny Ramirez came to do rehab, I met several news reporters and journalists from ABC, ESPN, Union Tribune, The Sun, and several more. I got business cards from a reporter from ESPN and ABC. With this, I can use it as a means of networking. I also met a few of the other media associated with the different minor league teams. One of them gave me their business card and told me to contact them and they would do their best to help me get to my aspired career. This internship has been such a blessing to me and I will use the information that I gained, in the future to help bring out the best of my goals and pursuits.

**written for JRN 371

Sunday, June 21, 2009

relationships are beautiful

It's amazing how people come into our lives for just a season whether it is for a second or for the rest of our lives. God is so amazing in the way He works different people into our lives for His glory and honor. It fascinates me how it so perfectly cultivates who it is he wants us to become. A great example is the torturous feeling of getting your heart broken. It's so hard to see the goodness of getting your heart broken until months later. I've realized how hard it is to see the beauty of the breakup until I'm actually out of it. Sometimes God allows that other person to break your heart so that you can fully "get out of it." It's true, God does bless the broken road so that you may be with the one you're meant to be with. Relationships are beautiful gifts given to us humans in his perfect timing. For quite some time I was lead to believe that relationships only occurred to make people feel good. However, lately I've realized that it foes deeper than that. It's about growing as a person with someone you genuinely care about, striving for the same goal. This goal is thanking God for the relationship with everything your relationships stands, from all your thoughts to all your actions. Some people have been misled to believe that it's all about themselves and getting what they want; whether it's sex, popularity, or fill in the blank. Being in a relationship requires for both parties to be selfless and willing to make compromises and more importantly following through with them. This initially requires respect for one another and their own self. With the three relationships that I've had each have taught me important lessons of life and have influence me to become a better person. With Joe i learned that it's possible to care a lot about a person but not fully be in love. With Chris I've learned that independence is essential in being in a relationship. Sinful pleasures are only temporary and come with hurtful consequences. Never make someone your priority when they're only your option. And as for the relationship I am in right now I've learned so much. I've learned what it means to fully love someone and the many ways to show it. A certain amount of months doesn't have to pass before you can tell someone that you love them. Patience is a true virtue. Each person has their insecurities but never let it get the best of your or your relationship because at the end of the day the things that occurred in the past brought you to where you are right now. Never regret anything because at one point in time it was what you wanted. God has blessed me tremendously with all these relationships. Brett has brought out the best in me in so many ways and I continually fall in love with him and his never ceasing love.

** The first two names were changed.

Monday, June 8, 2009

it's not about you or me

It's amazing how often we take things for granted and under appreciate one another, whether it's a friend or a family member. What makes us think that we "deserve" what we get? I mean in all reality we shouldn't deserve anything right, because of our sinful nature, right? Everything should be received as a surprise. But yet, we as humans get so caught up with the here and now that we often forget that it's not about you or me, it's about the man upstairs. We should be grateful for every single blessing that he bestows upon us, no matter how big or small it may be. Perhaps this is just be blabbering but, it was on my heart so I figured to let it out. I respect your thoughts so give me some feedback, if you'd like. :)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Madeline: Thee Little Miss Sunshine (Final Blog JRN 215.)

Once upon a time there was a little girl by the name of Madeline. She had the biggest and deepest blue eyes than one had ever seen. She was the opposite of insipid in fact she was very impassioned in everything that she did. Though she was a young girl it did not stop people from looking up to her. She had a very keen personality, always enthusiastic and bubbly no matter how grey the skies turned. Everyone that met her admired her most for being so cunning. No matter how hard the task that was given to her she continued to stay determined in achieving her goals. When Madeline was not busy playing volleyball, practicing the piano, surfing, or spending time with her friends she was often seen telling stories to her little sister, Anna, for she was quite the raconteur. Anna enjoyed her sister’s stories the most because she told them in a colloquial which made it easy for Anna to comprehend. The only request that Madeline had from Anna for reading is that when she became tired that Anna would act in compliance and agree to go to be too.
Madeline’s story of the furious unicorn always made it difficult for Anna to comply with her older sister’s request. The story was the most popular out of all the events that Madeline had experienced. One day as Madeline was walking home from school she came across a unicorn that was stuck in an adhesive pile of molasses. Madeline was so shocked at this site for she had been imposed to accept that unicorns only appeared in fairytales. She had been raised from a conservative partisan that believed that things such as knights in shining armors, dwarfs, and unicorns only happened in the after life. “Am I dreaming or is this for real?”, Madeline asked herself. Before she could let her imagine further more a little dwarf jumped out of shrub nearby. “Well hello there miss! I am looking for a terrorist that skyjacked my plane. Have you seen anyone carrying any weapons?”, stated the dwarf. Madeline was terrified at this site not only because it was very unexpected but also, due to the fact that he was speaking nonsense as he waved a wand around. It was not long until she realized the dwarf had shrewd and possibly dangerous magical powers. Now, while all this was taking place the unicorn still remained in the pile of molasses. The unicorn tried to do everything in its power to get out of the mess however did not succeed. It was not until words of madness came out of the dwarf that that unicorn was set free. The little guy profligate his wand in unnecessary ways that caused it to slip out of his hand in land in the pile of molasses. The next few words of his mouth were not one of euphemism but instead forthright. His words were so cruel that it saddened the unicorn to death. The dwarf died right after due to painstaking heart attack.
And this was the story that Madeline told Anna whenever she needed some cheering. For some odd and twisted reason it always brought a smile to Anna’ s face.


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Enduring the rough times

It is the year 2009. Though it is just beginning there have been drastic changes in the American society, from the leadership of presidency to the downfall of our economy. The change of society has their pros and cons. However, in regards to the economy it has had nothing but negative effects. It has affected everyone in some way, including those who are not employed.
On Sunday, March 8, 2009, Fox News released an article, “Time Tough for Recession’s Walking Wounded.” The article discussed the effects that several employees have suffered due to the downfall of the economy. More and more employers are being laid off due to not enough funds from the company to pay them. This time of desperation has affected not only the employed but also the unemployed. Families are finding it more difficult to get by and provide for their family. The definition of sacrifice has changed. People now have to sacrifice things they like to do for fun. The number of trips to the movie theatres are starting to decrease due to the price of the tickets. In the article one man stated that he has,” quit traveling to see his daughter and grandchild in Las Vegas. He’s stopped seeing movies and eating out.” This is an example of the unemployed being affected by the downfall of the economy. Budgeting has become more vital than ever. Fox news reported that, “More than 4.5 million workers last year depended at least partly on variable pay, which includes tips and commissions, according to Labor Department figures. Meanwhile, the number of workers forced into part-time instead of full-time work soared 65 percent in the past year.”
Thankfully, the poor economy has not effected my family and I too much. However, there are several people that I know that have been greatly affected by this. During the summer of 2008, a close friend of mine had her house taken back by the government. It was a very hard time for her and her family because it happened so suddenly. It is unfortunate how things like these happen but God continues to provide. It may not always be easy, in fact, dealing with money is probably one of the most challenging struggles that a person may go through, but it is possible to overcome.
Romans 5:3-5, “but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.”

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Untouched and Intact

Cherish every single moment you have with them, even the silly moments.
Take your time when taking long walks. Walk side by side even if that means slowing or hurrying your space.
Learn to compromise.
Relationships are not easy. I repeat, relationships are not easy.
Love one another through even the worst times.
Respect each other’s feelings, morals, and values.
Make time for each other even if it means taking some time away from your friends.
Under no circumstance is it okay, to cheat on someone.
Always keep your heart guarded, but know when to let them in.
Pride and ego are things that we as humans struggle with but regardless of this fact never let it get the best of you.
Because in the end you will only hurt the both of you.
Realize that people can and do change whether you may approve of it or not.
It is impossible for relationships to be successful if both parties are not willing to put in the same effort.
Remember that in order to be a boyfriend/girlfriend you must first know how to be a friend.
The longer you are with a person the harder it may be to love them. [Yes, believe it or not love is more than a feeling. It’s what’s left when being in love fades.]
This is true due to the fact that you’ve been together for so long they know that you will always love them even if they do hurt you.
Be careful when you do this because taking a person for granted is one thing no one should ever do.
I pray that you will never realize what you have until it’s gone.
Loving someone requires risking getting your heart broken.
You may ask yourself, than why is it worth it? Good question.
Love is beautiful but also very painful at times.
When you’re half way out the door you’re going to look back at all the memories you had together and wonder, “where did we go wrong?”
If you did your best at loving that person you hopefully won’t go down this path but if you do know that you did nothing wrong. It wasn’t your fault.
You can only do so much for another person.
Be assertive on who you invest your time, energy, and love with.
Above all remember, that we all yearn to be loved. So love as you would have others love you.

Live. Love. Be

Timing is everything. Swinging too early can lead to striking out. Making a move can lead To just a first date. Reacting too fast can result to blowing things out of proportion. A friend once reminded me that most people who come into our lives usually just stay for a season. Whether that season lasts for a month or a person's lifetime the time, is inevitable. Perhaps this is the reason why somefind it difficult to begin a deep and intimate relationship with another person. Though it may be hard to open up to another individual it is important to recognize thatthough we may look different on the outside we are not that much different within.Each person has had their fair share of hurt, humiliation, and disappointments. And if not, will come across those bumps. Therefore, it is important that each individual puts a reasonable effort in creating a firm solid relationship, even if it requires you to put your guard and pride down. Yes, there will be times when you will find yourself frustrated and disappointed with the other party. When packages like these, whether big or small, coming knocking at your door handle them with the care. And remember that no one is perfect.Yes, it will hurt. It will hurt so muchthat you may find it difficult to trust that person again and even more, hard to open up to the next person that pays a visit to the crazy beautiful life of yours. Regardless of how painful it may be it is important to realize that a lack of trust and the holding back of emotionsfeelings can and, eventually will push a person away; whether you like it or not. So, you ask what can I do to deal with the fear of heartache and still feel comfortable letting a person in? My advice to you is this, be cautious but still be open-minded and willing. Trust all but, armor yourself with courage, strength, and patience. Courage to expect the disappointments. Courage to be comfortable to wear your heart on your sleeve.The strength to overcome the disappointments and realize everything will be ok in the end. Keep in mind that if you aren't ok, then you certainly haven't seen the light of the sun at the end of the tunnel. And last but definitely not least, is patience. Patience is a necessary ingredient in creating A strong and healthy relationship. Patience to allow the other person to make mistakes here and there, with the knowledge that you yourself have screwed up before patience to understand that it isn't always easy for people to open up, perhaps due to the many obstacles they have endured. So to conclude to these thoughts.. Expect for the worst but, still hope for the best. Live like you will never be able to see the ones you love again. Love how you dream to be loved. And, give as much to others as you want people to give to you,whether it is time, patience, faith, or respect. Live. Love.Be

How To: Have a Successful Date- special segment for men. (Yearbook Production Class)

Before I begin explaining the process of creating a perfect date I would like to explain something within the title. No date is going to be 100% perfect. However, that does not mean that the way you plan things cannot be 100% perfect in your mind. I thought that I should add this precaution so that in the future I do not get accused of someone’s “perfect date” being flawless. Now moving on to the bigger picture. There is no denying that each person ponders about what events would take place on his or her perfect date. Men, with this said I will now illustrate the steps of wooing that girl, who you will be thinking about while reading this article. [;

STEP 1: Decide who you want to share this special time with. Yes, this does me that you have to choose only one girl from that list of yours. I repeat, ONE. Be wise in the decision you make because you are the one who is going to be spending the money. So for the sake of both of you make your time together worthwhile.

STEP 2: When deciding what events you would like to have take place on this date there is a couple of things you should keep in mind. The first thing is the woman’s likes and dislikes. For example, if a girl does not enjoy watching sports than do not take her to a sporting event. Yes, it would be a fun experience for a guy like yourself but bottom line is you are the one trying to make her happy. Save that those tickets to go with the guys. The second thing that you should keep in mind is the weather. I know its a simple thought but it’s one that is too often not considered. Now that you have taken these two precautions decide what kind of things your woman would enjoy. Ideas to consider: a picnic, a nice dinner followed by a walk on the beach, a trip to Disneyland. These are just a few things that would possibly amaze your lady. However, with this said plan something that will also be fun for you.

STEP 3: Now that you have finally gotten the plans together you are ready for the big day. Well maybe not fully ready but somewhat confident about the date than when you first started planning. First things first. Make sure your personal hygiene is at its best.

STEP 4: Step three is just as important as step four so read carefully. MAKE SURE YOU ARE ON TIME. I cannot stress how important that is. No woman wants an irresponsible man. Men forewarning: your lady may not be ready on time. You may be thinking, “Well then how is it fine for them to be late and not us?” To cut to the chase: that is simply beyond the point.

(Optional) STEP 5: If you bring flowers for your lady you will get extra kudos. This is not something that you have to do but I am just throwing it out there.

STEP 6: Open her car door.

STEP 7: Whatever you have planned to do that night whether it is dinner, movies, bowling, etc., be prepared to pay. There will be times when she will offer to pay (if you get a cool girl that is). You can let her pay every now and then but never ever take advantage of such an act of kindness.

STEP 8: While on your date make sure to not text or answer phone calls unless it is extremely necessary.

STEP 9: Compliment her every now and then. Just make sure not to excessively do so. You want to flatter her not scare her.

STEP 10: It is that time that you dread. The date slowly comes to an end. When dropping her off. (Optional: walk over to her side of the car and open her door. This will get you extra kudos points.) Walk her to her door. Now, you may be thinking: should I kiss her? Honestly, the call is all yours. If you feel like the night went well and she was not giving you awkward vibes then I would say go for it! But if a part of you feels like she was giving you weird vibes then I would say refrain from the kiss.

STEP 11: You can now relax. You accomplished what most men do not feel like that cannot do. Planned a successful date!

STEP 12: Depending on how things went, you have permission to plan another date. Good luck, gentlemen! (;

Monday, March 9, 2009

how to: make a tie dye shirt

How to make a tie-dye t-shirt:

Things needed:
-a t-shirt of any color preferably white
-powder tie-dye mix (located in)
-a large bowl of warm water
-a teaspoon of salt
-rubber gloves

1. Get the bowl of warm water and add a teaspoon of salt.
2. Pour the tie-dye powder and mix it in the bowl.
3. Twist the shirt and tie knots in them using the rubber bands. (The more knots you have the more designs you will have.)
4. Get the shirt and dip it in the bowl or, you can pour the dye with the spoon to the different areas of the shirt. To avoid getting your hands stained with the dye use the rubber gloves when doing this step.
5. Let the dye sit for the designated amount of time written on the dye packet.
6. Next, remove the rubber bands from the shirt.
7. Rinse the dye with water until there is no longer any dye mixed with the water.
8. Then, put it in the washer.
9. You can either let it air dry or stick it in the dryer.
10. Finally, enjoy your home made tie dye shirt!

Monday, March 2, 2009

just keep swimming?

Just when you think that things could not get more ironic. God just hands you a good dose of irony. It is amazing how some of the most beautiful things come at the least expected times. It is even more of a kick when the timing isn’t always the best. But then again who is to say when the time to act is the “perfect time.” Because in all reality there is no such thing as there being a perfect time. We never know what God has in store for us. I mean one day you can be thinking yourself screw guys/girls they are all the same. They are all inconsiderate and heartless (not to sound “emo”). But next thing you know you’re looking into the eyes of someone who just may be an exception to that rule. Someone who respects you and actually enjoys spending time with you. Someone who likes making you happy and does it because they simply want to, not because they feel like they have to. Someone who can bring a different kind of smile on your face.
I have come to the conclusion that God certainly is the best entertainer of my time. Entertainer, in the sense that there is never a day that goes by in which I can only imagine the possibilities of the days ahead. I wish that I could fully surrender everything God without doubting His plans. Gosh, if it were only that easy. But then again if it were not for moments of sadness and disappointments I would not know what true happiness really is. It is a bittersweet concept. Bitter that we can’t always have what we want and sweet because God always has reason for everything. We may not know right away what His reasons are but in due time He reveals it to us.
With this said, I am uncertain if I should just keep swimming or just swim back to shore..

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." James 1:2-4

Friday, January 23, 2009


What is Christianity? Is it just another label? No, it is not. As a matter of fact it is something greater than that. Christianity is a way of life. Being a Christian requires a lot of discipline, courage and, strength. Perhaps, this may be another reason why there is not as many believers in the world. Though, we may not be able to see God, it is essential that we have great faith in Him. Faith in Christ can be compared to an analogy I remember hearing in the classic movie, A Walk to Remember, "love is like the wind and though you can not see it you can feel its presence everywhere." It never really occurred to me until my freshmen year in high school, that there is so much more to being a Christian than attending church every Sunday.
For as long as I can remember, waking up early every Sunday to attend church was a must. I was a raised my whole life as a member of the United Methodist Church. This was mainly because my father was raised as a Methodist. 
I did not mind going to church. I mean after all who would pass up an offer of free doughnuts and fruit punch? I did not think of church as more than a weekly family outing until the year of 2004.  That year was a year of many changes. Not only was I beginning a new chapter in my life but I also was also changing dramatically as a person; physically, emotionally, and spiritually. 
During this time period of renewal I was going through a rough time with things at home. My parents' relationship was very rocky and on the verge of falling part. Due to their stubbornness and lack of communicating with one another I was forced to be their mediator. They would both give me messages to relay to one another. Whenever the message was incorrectly delivered I was the one to be blamed for it. The yelling and screaming was non-stop. It got to the point where I could no longer take it. There were times when I just wanted to give up and forget about life. There were several situations where I was close to just ending my life. However, thankfully God intervened with my ignorance and showed me an alternate route.
Before, recommitting my life to Christ I did not think there was any point to living. It hurt a lot to see the two people that I loved the most tear each other down. I was lost and confused. How could two people who claimed to love each other say such hurtful things to one another.
I am so grateful that my parents made me attend a private Christian school because honestly, if I was not surrounded with that atmosphere I would not have the opportunity to share my testimony. During that time of difficulty I turned to my newly acquainted friends and teachers.
There was something about many of them that made them seem different. They seemed to be at peace and constantly happy even when things did not always go their way. I became more interested in their way of life and, was determined to figure out what it was that made them seem so tranquil.
It was at a retreat that my high school attends yearly in which I recommitted my life to God. The speaker that night during chapel just blew me away with the things he spoke about. He commented that," we as sinners do not deserve any of God's love but he continues to love us the same despite our flaws. The statement that stood out to me the most was, "God does not put tribulations in our lives to hurt us but instead, to make us stronger." After hearing that message I decided to recommit my life to Christ. I realized that living a life that is glorifying to Him is the most I can give him. I pledged that very day to live solely for Christ and do everything my power to glorify Him.
Since that day my life has not been the same. My spiritual growth has affected me emotionally, mentally, and physically. I have become more confident in who I am. I feel healthier and renewed. I have such a passion for living life. I am more motivated than before to accomplish the goals I have set for myself. Though it is not always easy being a Christian it is worth the ridicule from others that comes with it.