Wednesday, November 11, 2009

LOVE God & LOVE others.

Wow, my heart is just consumed right now with God’s love. Tonight, was the first time in awhile that I attended Generate because of confliction with work. The service began with worship. Generate’s worship service is unlike any other worship I have ever experienced. You can just seeGod’s love throughout the stadium of people who are just on fire for God. It is such a mind-blowing scene. Young people with their arms stretched out in adoration of God, praising Him with all their might. It seriously is one of the best feelings ever! Tonight’s message was about addictions and defining the line between what God thinks is “over the line.” Pastor Tony related it to drugs, drinking, clubbing. The main points that came from the message include:

• The love of God is as powerful as a striking wave.
o Tony used the analogy of person first learning how to surf. They get constantly knocked down by the wave each time they get up.
• Stop focusing on what you can’t and shouldn’t do..Focus on what you CAN do.
• Clanging Cymbal= annoying.
• FOCUS on point of motivation.
• Change always happens whenever you converse with God. WE are too scared to become serious with the conversation because we do not what to give God our complete trust.
• It’s not what you’ve done. It’s about who God wants you to be.

Pastor Tony left us with the following questions:

1.) What’s your motivation?
2.) Does this glorify you, God?
3.) Do you love God enough that the things that break God’s heart, breaks yours?
During the service I experienced a kind of love that I have only received from one person, and that is God himself. It was a unique type of love. A type of love in which God doesn’t need your love in return. A love that is far better than human love. I was again reminded that I don’t need anyone else’s love except for God. I don’t need anyone else’s approval to feel confident of who I am. That type of love, is so extraordinary. A love that I would choose over human love. I was so inspired by the message that I came back to my computer and started typing away.

God is amazing. God is just. God is love.

Final thing to leave you with, Love God and love others.

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